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Photo Library

Photo galleries from the Features, Options and Models pages are gathered here. If the thumbnail is clickable, clicking on the opened image will bring you back. The photo galleries are connected, and you may cycle through all the galleries by clicking "next.".

Slide Show with auto play if desired

Photo Gallery One
Professional images courtesy of Bedillion Photography. Large thumbnail format opens into slightly larger views

Photo Gallery Two
Home photography of instruments and details. Full-sized images, good for a quick browse on larger computers.

Gallery of Really Big Images
I'm proud of my workmanship. You are invited to enjoy the large but slow images to examine pixel by pixel.

A gallery of our finest inlay work, most pieces done by Jimmi Wingert.

Model E Slides of mixed professional and non-pro images.
Thumbnail Gallery   |   Slide Show

Model F Slide show of mixed professional and shop images.
Slides of mixed professional and non-pro images.
Thumbnail Gallery   |   Slide Show

Steam Punk!
Slides of mixed professional and non-pro images.
Thumbnail Gallery   |   Slide Show

Harp Guitars Professional and homebrewed Harp Guitar photos.
Slides of mixed professional and non-pro images.
Thumbnail Gallery   |   Slide Show

The Black and Tan Pro and shop images.
Slides of mixed professional and non-pro images.
Thumbnail Gallery   |   Slide Show

In Stock
A short cut to the In Stock gallery.


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